4 hitman games are out so far they are:
hitman codename 47
hitman 2 silent assasin
hitman contracts
hitman blood money
i don't think so but i hope there is because the games rule
There are 500 games for the psp so far and counting
3 Potty Racers games have been released so far.
So far, there is only one: Disgaea DS
More than 9841, this is the number of games that have been age rated by PEGI as of the start of July 2008. It will probably be greater than 10000 games that have been made so far, because PEGI have not rated many games before the organisation came into existence in 1998.
In a way yes like Hitman you use stealth to get the mission done and you can also disguise yourself as the enemy. But in Tenchu your character moves faster so stealth kills can be easier to pull off and the guards don't have as far field of vision as they do in Hitman. If you stick to the roof tops you should do just fine and you get all kinds of items to help you out in missions. I love Hitman but the guards field of vision in it is ridiculous so it's pretty easy to be spotted sometimes Tenchu is definitely a game worth checking out if your into stealth games.
i don't think so but i hope there is because the games rule
There are 500 games for the psp so far and counting
as many as you think....
Two so far.
So far they have 9 wins.
nine so far. (a tenth is in the works)
a lot
No. Because the Anime bought the rights. So it can't be dubbed. For now....
so far i have only played 2 desert storm games.