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3 Potty Racers games have been released so far.

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Related questions

When is there going to be a potty racers 3?

Potty Racers 3 is out there google "Potty Racers 3" or see related links to play. enjoy :)

When is the new stages for potty racers coming out?

Potty Racers 3 is out there. google Potty Racers 3 or see related links to play.

Is potty racers 3 going to be on iPod?

Potty Racers 3 is out there "Potty Racers 3" or see related links to play. enjoy

Is there a potty racers 3?

Its out there. google Potty Racers 3 or see related links.

Will there be a potty racers 3?

Its out there. google Potty Racers 3 or see related links.

How do you oxygen mask in potty racers 3?

How to use the oxygen mask on potty racers 3.4

Are there any games like potty racers?

There are some games like potty racers. One of them is called learn to fly which you can find on and another one called pirate launch which you can also find on the same site. Hope this helps;)

How do you use the bulldozer in potty racers 3?

press B

When is potty racers 3 coming out?

Its out there right now. google Potty Racers 3 or see related links.

What are the games similar to the shopping cart hero?

i only know of one other and that's potty racers

What are the potty racers 2 cheats?

on a website

How do you reach mars in potty racers 3?

you fly.