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That model is 160 GB for North America and would be the 320 GB model with the letter B.

It is a new model made on of after July 2010 and replaced with CECH-3001 A 160 GB or B 320 GB model in July 2011 Earlier PS3 slim models with 120 or 250 GB started with 20 (9/09) or 21 (3/10)

The 01 number is for North America. UK is 03 and Australia is 02 all country codes can be found in the related link below PS3 model differences

see related link PlayStation 3 Secrets under the section on

PS3 Model Differences

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Q: How many GB is in the playstation3 model CECH-2501a?
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How many GB is NBA 2K11 for PlayStation3?

Just check on the PS3.

How much is a playstation3?

Depends which country and where you get it from in NZ they are 400-700 dollars In the USA they are $249.99 for the 160 GB PS3 and $50 more for the 320 GB model. Special lower prices as less likely than bundles with bonus games and the Move Bundle is often added for $50 for the 320 GB model

Does the 120 gb playstation3 come with games?

no it does not. except when stores turn it into a bundle ans charge you for them

Does a 60GB playstation3 have better graphics than a 40GB playstation3?

no. hard disk has nothing to do with grapihcs. but a 20 gb playstation has less features than a 60 gb playstation that's because the company made it like that. hard disk is just concerned with sroteage.

How much is a real Playstation 3?

An authentic 120GB PlayStation3 Slim console will cosy arround GB£260.00

How much does a playstation3 coast?

In the USA August 24 2011 they are on sale starting at $249.99 for the 160GB PS3 and with 2 better deals for the 320 GB model at $300 for the PS3 320 GB inFamous 2 bundle with free game and $350 for the 320 GB PS3 + Move Bundle with reduced pricing on the Move Bundle

How much does a playstation3 cost in America?

The 320 GB Infamous 2 bundle is $299.99 The PS3 320 GB + Move Bundle is $349.99 and the PS3 160 GB is $249.99 on August 24 2011

How much can you get for a playstation3?

$249.99 rounded to $250. They sell for that amount new with warranty and it is not a figure you can get for one. Yesterday I purchased a 320 GB PS3 and a Uncharted 3 game delivered to my home for $285 because a new larger harddrive would cost $150 dollars to install on my PS3 120 GB model at Best Buy.

What is the latest playstation3 console?

Today, March 3 2010, it is 120 GB Ps3 with limited options, the best one is 80 GB with a replaced hard drive to up the total space.

What is the longest lasting playstation3 model?

The 20 GB and 60 GB are the oldest models and they have lasted longest if they are still working. The newer models may last longer because they use less power and the oldest models use the most power and can heat up the highest. Operating temperature has been known to be a reliable factor when considering the expected life of an electronic components

How many gigs is in ps3 slim cech3001a?

The model number is for the 160 GB PS3 released August 2011 for the USA CECH3001B is the 320 GB model released on the same date

How many gigabites did the first ps3 have?

20 gb and 60 GB were the 2 models that were first released. The 20 GB model did not have WiFi and was $100 less to purchase