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8-9 hours. If they do something wrong take away 1.5 hours

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Q: How long should a kid play video games weekly?
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how long should i play video games?

10 / 5min it can help your Heath

How long should children play video games a day?

1-3 hours

Are video games good for kids?

Well it depends on what kind of video games are the kids playing with and how long you use the video games. Some types of video games are for kids not all.

Do video games hurt your eyes if you play to long?

Yes, video games hurt your eyes. If you play too long you will experience eye discomfort, blurry vision, and focusing problems. You should take long breaks when playing games; try going out side and looking at still objects, And That's a TRUE FACT!!

If you are planning a long term project you should use a?

weekly planner

How long should you wait before playing video games after getting a concussion?

Usually it is best to start playing video games as quickly as possible to assess your mental state. Start by playing first person shooter games and racing games to assess reaction time, then transition to role-player games.

Do you think there is too much fighting in video games?

yes No, because video games are not like real life and as long as you don't apply what you learn in video games to real life the fighting doesn't really matter and therefore, fighting doesn't matter in video games. No, It is only drawing moving around a screen. If that's what people (like me, lol) like in there video games then they should make games like that( but they do somtimes put in to much swearing and pointless sex/ nudity!)!!!!!!!

When did they find out about the affects of video games?

Not very long ago actually. If you think about it video games haven't actually been around for a long time so it obviously wasn't very long ago.

How long should you use an lg 600hz plasma screen tv for before you can play video games on it?

Start now. There is no waiting period.

How long do you play video games a day?

an hour or 2

Does playing video games too long scratch them?


Do video games affect grades?

It ultimately depends on if you have a good memory for the subject, how good you are at revising & of course, how long you play video games for.