eeew! Why would you drink that poison? to answer your question, idk. its probably fine because there isn't anything that can spoil in it.
As long as u want I have left mine on for a month 24/7
Ascension has been added to the related links here is the quoted section on the pack a punch machine: "To gain entry to the Pack-a-Punch Machine, all lunar landers' landing pads must be used. Once a player has ridden all three back to the Centrifuge Room, the player can activate the rocket by pressing the button to the right of the power switch. After the rocket has taken off, the large door concealing the launch area will open and the Pack-a-Punch Machine will be to the right. It costs 5000 points as usual. Unlike Kino der Toten, players can stay in the Pack-a-Punch room for as long as they like. There are two barricades in here to make camping harder." There is also a related link for the Pack-Punch Machine Room that has been added and includes more than just the Ascension Map. It also includes Der Riese, Kino der Toten, and Five along with Trivia a link to a weapons section for Pack a Punch and information on Achievements and Trophies
Yes the FAL in MW2 is a great gun and has some good qualities.The gun is semi-automatic and has a bigger punch then the AK47. You can eguip every attachment the AK47 and the Intervention can. It performs well in every situation wether it's long range, short range, and or a firefight. If you have any comment or other descriptions of the Fal please don't delete this but add more below thank you.
You can leave your Xbox 360 on as long as you want. But doing this make your Xbox overheat.
Go To Burned Tower And Then The Lighthouse A Long Way To The Left Of There
About a week if refrigerated.
I think just about any grocery store carries Hawaiian Punch. It can be found with the other fruit juices in jugs and juice boxes or with the soda 12-packs in cans. If you can not find Hawaiian Punch, as long as you are around the north-west US you can usually find Shasta Cola's Tikki Punch, which is just carbonated Hawaiian punch, at your local discount grocer (i.e. Win-Co).
How is a Hawaiian monk seal usefulness to mankind, and what islands do they live on. how many are left in the world.
how long is flu vaccine good for if left out of the refrigerator
On one Hawaiian influenced website I found that "Turtle has a meaning of long life. It is also a creature known to bring positive energy."
In Hawai`i, we say loa or loloa for the word long.
2 feet long good for left overs
You can buy Hawaiian long dresses and other outfits at Amazon.
"A long and happy marriage" in Hawaiian can be translated as "he moʻaukala loa a hauʻoli."
750 miles