From lvl 68 about 340 hours of in-game time (1 months if you play 12 hours a day, 2 months if you play 6 hrs a day and 4 months if you play 3 hrs a day
Go to they will tell you everything you need to know.
2 to 3 weeks or a month depends on how much u play
I bet a few hundred people are pondering over how long it will take. From 78 Woodcutting to 99 Woodcutting can take from months to weeks, depending on what you want. You either can go for Money or Experience; Ovbiously everyone would want Money, However! The money way will take any where from 3months to a year. The easier route (That would make more money in the long run) is Ivy the 2009 Update, currently the fastest way to 99 Woodcutting. Requiring 68 Woodcutting, it is VERY popular. This is the best route.
It depends on what you are cutting. If you are a member i suggest chopping ivy. NEVER chop yews to get to 99 woodcutting. Yews only give about 10k xp per hour while ivy gives roughly 130k per hour. I myself have been woodcutting for days straight. (obviously i used auto-clicker or bot) It takes about a day non-stop to get from lv79 to lv82 cutting ivy. Cutting willows is NOT a good way to get 99 wc. continuously cut ivy for about 3-4 days straight and you will have 90 wc. If you are a bit lazy, i suggest going to and downloading their program. It is virus free and very efficient and costs no money whatsoever. 90-99 wc will take a while, you will level up about every day and 1/2. If you are into the stealing creation game i suggest getting a very high amount of stealing creation points and purchasing a clay hatchet. You will need probably over 1000 points to get 99 wc. If you want to just chop regularly, buy a dragon hatchet for only about 1m. Here are a list of trees/ivy's that are not or are very effecient when you are getting 99 wc : Yews=terrible xp but good money, Willows=crappy xp and bad money, Ivy=very good xp but low money, Eucalyptus=ok xp and pretty good money, tree= terrible xp and bad money. I hope this helped you! Good luck getting your skillcape!
depends on what level you are but if your lvl 68 + i would chop ivy (Members Only) but it is 332-333 exp an ivy that's if you want to get 99 woodcutting fast and not make money
Go to they will tell you everything you need to know.
Woodcutting can be trained by cutting down trees, chopping ivy, and various other methods.
2 to 3 weeks or a month depends on how much u play
Depending on the time and focus of the game, I've heard a general time of a Month to even a week. If you decide to do something else while chopping Ivy, keep your 'Sound Effect' volume hear-able to ensure you are still chopping.
I bet a few hundred people are pondering over how long it will take. From 78 Woodcutting to 99 Woodcutting can take from months to weeks, depending on what you want. You either can go for Money or Experience; Ovbiously everyone would want Money, However! The money way will take any where from 3months to a year. The easier route (That would make more money in the long run) is Ivy the 2009 Update, currently the fastest way to 99 Woodcutting. Requiring 68 Woodcutting, it is VERY popular. This is the best route.
With a rune hatchet = 208 hours or 8 and 2/3 days. (60,000 XP/hour) With a dragon hatchet = 177.5 hours or 7 and 4/10 days. (70,000 XP/hour) These are estimates while AFk'ing Those estimates are if you played non-stop.
woodcutting is a very slow skill if u cut ivy with dragon axe it will take u 2 1\2 moths if you no life it if u play from 3-5 hours a day then about 4months
if your in p2p ( pay 2 play ) and you can cut ivy then it will only take around 2 week's if you go hardout like 3 hour's a day at ivy..... otherwise f2p ( free 2 play ) it will take around 1 month and 3 week's aprox. ( by doing this same shedule but on willow or yew's ) no prob's. for answer bro I've done 99 wc on 2 account f2p and p2p..... this was around how long it took me from lvl 70-75..... p.s. do ivy in mem's if you can it's way faster and mabye when ur lvl 95 + u may want to do the rest making money by cutting magic tree's.... cheer's.
for combat, fight as high leveled monsters as you can without dying, and for skills, do the best thing you can for a long time. like for woodcutting, if you have lvl 68 and you are a member, cut ivy instead of yews.
It depends on what you are cutting. If you are a member i suggest chopping ivy. NEVER chop yews to get to 99 woodcutting. Yews only give about 10k xp per hour while ivy gives roughly 130k per hour. I myself have been woodcutting for days straight. (obviously i used auto-clicker or bot) It takes about a day non-stop to get from lv79 to lv82 cutting ivy. Cutting willows is NOT a good way to get 99 wc. continuously cut ivy for about 3-4 days straight and you will have 90 wc. If you are a bit lazy, i suggest going to and downloading their program. It is virus free and very efficient and costs no money whatsoever. 90-99 wc will take a while, you will level up about every day and 1/2. If you are into the stealing creation game i suggest getting a very high amount of stealing creation points and purchasing a clay hatchet. You will need probably over 1000 points to get 99 wc. If you want to just chop regularly, buy a dragon hatchet for only about 1m. Here are a list of trees/ivy's that are not or are very effecient when you are getting 99 wc : Yews=terrible xp but good money, Willows=crappy xp and bad money, Ivy=very good xp but low money, Eucalyptus=ok xp and pretty good money, tree= terrible xp and bad money. I hope this helped you! Good luck getting your skillcape!
depends on what level you are but if your lvl 68 + i would chop ivy (Members Only) but it is 332-333 exp an ivy that's if you want to get 99 woodcutting fast and not make money
Choking ivy, the best method to 99 Woodcutting on RuneScape, is 70k Xp per hour. If you play one hour a day, that means you'll get 70k Xp a day. It takes about 13 Million Xp to get a 99.If you divide 13 Million by the Xp per hour, (In this case, it's 70k) You'll get a rough number of hours it takes to get 99. So it takes roughly 185 hours to get 99 Woodcutting.185 hours equals the number of days, if you are playing an hour a day. So keep subtracting 30 days (For months) and it takes 6 months to get 99 Woodcutting.