You should charge it for at least 12 hours before using it, but after that, it takes about 3-6 hours so you can charge it over night.
You can't. Buy a new charger online.
No, but the new NDSi has one.
BUY A NEW ! OR USE A GAMEBOY SP CHARGER Or buy any gamboy charger, I think ????? Actually if it's a regular DS a Gameboy Advance SP Charger should work, if it's a lite, then use a Mini USB connected to a computer! hey i have a gameboy SP charger and it dose not FIT how can i charge it
You don't 'delete' games like on a computer, just take out the cartridge and put a new one in If you mean game save files, they're stored on the cartridge and it varies between games
It will break unless all the cords are still together if not get a new one
You can't. Buy a new charger online.
How long does it take for an 18v battery to charge
It would actually take maybe 20 min. To charge because i have one and it would charge quickly!
apparently 24 hrs
It takes four hours of charging
Your charger's probably old, just get a new one :)
get a new ds lite
well when you first get it, it'll take about 5 hours; more or less. after it gets that good charge for the first time you'll be set. on a typical day it should take only 2 hours to charge. hope I helped!
take out the old ones put in new ones
The DS lite is now out and has been for over a year(in america)
you shouldNOT get a dsi.There is only ONEdifference. you can take pictures with it. If you want a camera, get one, if you want a lite, get one. Plus, you will be giving away a perfectly good game system. If people get the option of a new lite or a used one, they will obviously get the new one, even if it is more expensive. You have to think logically.:) good luck
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