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You cannot breed a legendary with any Pokemon.

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Q: How long does it take to breed a manaphy and a ditto?
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Why wont my Ditto breed with anything?

Arceus will not breed with Ditto due to being a Legendary Pokémon which makes it unable to breed. Most Legendary Pokémon are unable to breed with the exception of Manaphy however it can only breed with Ditto and it will only result in Phione Pokémon Eggs and Phione cannot evolve into Manaphy.

How do you get phoine in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You will need a manaphy, unobtainable in soulsilver. Take the manaphy and a ditto to the day care, after some time they will breed, the egg contains... Surprise! Phione!

How long does it take for your Charizard to breed with Ditto?

as long as i takes

How long does it take to breed a Bayleef with a Ditto to get a egg?

less than a day

Can you breed legendarys with Ditto?

No, you can't breed legendaries, but this depends on whether you count Phione as a legendary. The status of Phione is unclear and there are even contradictions in official sources. You need to trade the egg with Manaphy in it, from a Pokemon Ranger game. After Manaphy hatched, you can breed Phione with a Ditto.

How long does it take to breed a Ditto and a gritina?

Dude u cant have a baby with legendarys.

How long does it take for a lv 40 ditto and a lv 17 manaphy to have an egg in the daycare?

not very long for me as i had them to have an egg as soon as i had a little bike ride to ilex forest

Why can't you breed vaporeon with a Ditto on platinum?

Actually you can breed a Vaporeon with a Ditto. It will just take some time for an Egg to come out.

If you get a egg from manphy and Ditto what come out of the egg?

manaphy+ditto=phione they do taht so you dont have a million manaphys then ppl take avantage and use it for trade

How do you get 2 eevees?

Take your first eevee, and ditto breed it.

Can you breed ditto and hitmonchan?

yes. Any Pokemon can breed with a Ditto. The outcome of the Pokemon will be the one that you bred with the ditto. the only way to breed dittos is to use 2 dittos.

How do you get shiny legs?

It's eggs not legs, but to get shiny Pokemon eggs, you have to breed a male & female Pokemon of the same kind of breed like a female pikachu & a male pikachu & keep hatching their eggs until you get a shiny Pokemon. It may even take up to 600 eggs! NOTE: Can't breed LEGENDARY Pokemon except a manaphy with a ditto. ☻