It usually depends on how similar the Pokemon you are trying to breed are, and if they are friendly with each other. If not, it may take some time, but in the advanced generations, Pokemon breed pretty quickly.( Fire Red, Diamond, Emerald, etc.)
You cannot breed a legendary with any Pokemon.
Well, the way I get taillows is to breed two swellows, and hatch the eggs. The eggs take around 3000 steps to hatch. The taillows evolve into swellows at level 20-22 as far as I know.
Breed 2 Pokemon Of The Same Kind There!AnswerTo receive Pokemon eggs from the Daycare, you must leave two compatible Pokemon in their care and take a certain number of steps. Contrary to beleif, Pokemon who can be bred do not need to be of the same species. A Pikachu can breed with a Cherrim to produce an offspring Pichu (or Cherubi) just as it can breed with another Pikachu. This is because both Pokemon belong to the same egg group and Pokemon within the same egg group can breed with others to produce the baby Pokemon which is the species of the mother Pokemon. There is always the possibility of using a Ditto with the Pokemon you want to breed. Of course, these egg group Pokemon must like each other to produce an egg. You can check if these Pokemon like each other by speaking with the Daycare man, or by using the Compatability Checker in your Poketech.The Pokemon you leave in Daycare are subject to the following breeding conditions:- One Pokemon must be male and the other female OR- A Pokemon paired with Ditto must be of a species other than Ditto (genderless Pokemon can breed with Ditto);- No legendary Pokemon can breed (except for Manaphy);- Baby Pokemon cannot breed;- Basic Pokemon cannot breed with their evolved forms (Pikachu cannot breed with Raichu).
yeah um... bad eggs dont hatch... de de deeee
Every Pokemon is different. For example: Mareep takes about 5,120 steps to hatch while Burmy takes about 3,840 steps to hatch.
It's eggs not legs, but to get shiny Pokemon eggs, you have to breed a male & female Pokemon of the same kind of breed like a female pikachu & a male pikachu & keep hatching their eggs until you get a shiny Pokemon. It may even take up to 600 eggs! NOTE: Can't breed LEGENDARY Pokemon except a manaphy with a ditto. ☻
You cannot breed a legendary with any Pokemon.
How can gold fish breed how long does it take what can we do to help them
Not long mybe 500-2000 steps. Depends on the egg.
It took me 10 hours.
Catch a Banette of any gender and breed it with a Ditto. Shuppet eggs take about 6,400 steps to hatch.
Well it really depends on what Pokemon the egg came from like my personal favorite Riolus take about .... 3000 steps as for Torchic .... somewhere in between 3000-4000 steps. (my personal favorite Pokemon is a Lucario so i breed a whole bunch of Riolu eggs)_____/ |_ \| __| | ||__ || | < __________\____/ |Thats not very good..........|
They can take anywhere from 28-35 days. It depends upon the breed. The larger the breed the longer they take to hatch. Usually it is around 30 days.
A chicken egg takes 21 days to hatch. It may take slightly more or less depending on the temperature and breed. Goose and duck eggs take as few days longer.
Well, the way I get taillows is to breed two swellows, and hatch the eggs. The eggs take around 3000 steps to hatch. The taillows evolve into swellows at level 20-22 as far as I know.
Generally, cichlid eggs such as those laid by convicts hatch in three to five days. Convicts are relatively easy fish to breed.
Breed 2 Pokemon Of The Same Kind There!AnswerTo receive Pokemon eggs from the Daycare, you must leave two compatible Pokemon in their care and take a certain number of steps. Contrary to beleif, Pokemon who can be bred do not need to be of the same species. A Pikachu can breed with a Cherrim to produce an offspring Pichu (or Cherubi) just as it can breed with another Pikachu. This is because both Pokemon belong to the same egg group and Pokemon within the same egg group can breed with others to produce the baby Pokemon which is the species of the mother Pokemon. There is always the possibility of using a Ditto with the Pokemon you want to breed. Of course, these egg group Pokemon must like each other to produce an egg. You can check if these Pokemon like each other by speaking with the Daycare man, or by using the Compatability Checker in your Poketech.The Pokemon you leave in Daycare are subject to the following breeding conditions:- One Pokemon must be male and the other female OR- A Pokemon paired with Ditto must be of a species other than Ditto (genderless Pokemon can breed with Ditto);- No legendary Pokemon can breed (except for Manaphy);- Baby Pokemon cannot breed;- Basic Pokemon cannot breed with their evolved forms (Pikachu cannot breed with Raichu).