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once bitten, Approx 3 days for full change.

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Q: How long does it take for a sims3 to become a vampire?
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How long will it take to be a vampire after bitten in sims 3 latenight?

2-3 sim days or if you want to become a vampire much much faster use life time points to my the moodlet manager and cure yourself you will become a vampire instantly!!

How long does it take to move around as a vampire?

A vampire can move around as quickly or as slowly as it could in human form.

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For afew weeks.

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It may take a While but if you got to the and look for sims... i bet ther will be a sim downloaded with skater hair

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How long does it take to become a vampire if a vampire bites you?

The transformation into a vampire typically occurs over the course of one to three days after being bitten by another vampire. However, the exact timing can vary depending on the lore or mythology being referenced.

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:u duck face!

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with a few mouse clicks :)

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What is an easy non painful way to become a vampire?

well in truth I'm a vampire but i don't drink blood i am a pure vampire that takes from peoples energy... infact there is a non painful way to become a vampire and there are two ways to be bit by a vampire who drinks blood they take a tiny amount of your blood then you take a tiny amount from them but it will be painful if you resist acourding to vampires not me... oh and you have to do that three times before you turn. also the way pure vampires turn is by telepicly biting the person and taking their energy then they will take some from you but this takes about a year...