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a few days or more depending how much you play, when you have the dog out look at the summoning tab by the inventory and it'll show you the percent the dog has grown so far. just keep feeding it when its hungry and letting it out for a walk every once in a while =D

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Q: How long does it take for a dog to grow up on runescape?
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Why wont your dog grow on RuneScape?

you have to feed your dog alot in order for it to grow

How long does it take for a dog to actually grow up?

It can take between eight months and a year and a half for a dog to grow up.

Can a dog grow into an overgrown in runescape?

No, it cannot. There are simply two stages where the dog can be present, the puppy and the adult stage.

Can you make your runescape dog grow faster?

You have too feed your pet regularly and keep it happy to prevent it from running away and stimulate growth

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If you do it now, it should be completely back by October or November.

How long does it take a puppy to turn into a dog in celebrity pedigree?

Once you press the end turn button twice the puppies will grow up.

Do dog's eyelashes grow?

Yes dog eyelashes grow. I sometimes have the groomer trim back my dog's eyelashes, even though I love the long eyelashes, they do sometimes interfere with the dog's vision. They grow back quickly!

How do you get a second dog in runescape?

You can only own one dog at a time.

How long does it take for a Nintendo dog to be an adult?

They never grow up. They stay puppies forever. I think it even mentions something about it in the booklet that comes with the game.

How do you clam down the dog in runescape?

You have to entertain it.

How do you play with your dog on runescape?

why would you want to "play" with ur dog? D:

What level does your puppy in runescape become a dog?

It's not based on level, look on the wolf icon below you inventory, when that reaches 100% it will grow, same with every other pet.