Check out this website for your answer. I think it's really helpful. I use it all the time.
Dogs eat Raw Meat.
To get a pet dog on Runescape you will need to complete the "Wolf Whistle" Quest which in turn, unlocks "Summoning" skill, then head on to Yanillle ( you can get there almost quickly by watchtower teleport of ring of dueling to "Castle Wars", then go to pet shop there to buy a dog, bring around 5000gp, shouldn't be that much, but just in case.P.S The "Wolf Whistle" quest is fairly easy.
you feed them RAW MEAT from cows
You don't NEED to feed your pet.
you buy a food for your pet and drag it to the pet and it will eat it
You have too feed your pet regularly and keep it happy to prevent it from running away and stimulate growth
a you have to do is get 14 summoning and you can talk to pet dogs
you have to feed your dog alot in order for it to grow
use raw meat on the dog a few times. Or bones.
Dogs eat Raw Meat.
You have to be a member in order to get a pet on RuneScape. You can get a dog at various pet selling shops which you can find at Yanille (near the Magic Guild) and Taverley (near Falador). Don't forget to feed it.If you want other pets, you can catch them using your Hunter skill. Check the RuneScape knowledge base for more information on catching pets.
well I feed my dog canned dog meat from a pet shop mixed with dog biscuits from a pet shop.
well I feed my dog canned dog meat from a pet shop mixed with dog biscuits from a pet shop.
If you are talking about the pet dogs such as bulldog or sheepdog they can never attack.
You can purchase from a Pet Shop (located in Taverly) and use at level 4 Summoning. You feed it raw meat.
feed him Pet him Take care of him
Nope, since it is strictly a "Cat Basket".