Basically it takes about 3 to 4 days depending on how much charisma you have. The charisma also affects how long the baby stays asleep. So, to be sure, when you decide to have a baby make sure you have at least 5 charisma (I speak from experience)
Glad to help! Bye ^_^
no they don't grow to toddler's, it is baby's then kids and they stay as kids but some say the grow into adults after kids but I'm not sure? :)
I believe the children do grow up I just don't know when !
3 Days( sim time) But they don't turn into adults, just children. --JBiebzx :D
Not very long about 2 days if you play it a lot
Six in total, it take 3 days for a baby to become a toddler and 3 days for a toddler to become a child.
no they don't grow to toddler's, it is baby's then kids and they stay as kids but some say the grow into adults after kids but I'm not sure? :)
they dont kinda stupid huh
I believe the children do grow up I just don't know when !
it is a baby the baby will be in a cradle dont let it cry for too long or social services wil take it away.
They dont
3 Days( sim time) But they don't turn into adults, just children. --JBiebzx :D
You can't have babies in the Sims 2 bustin' out, but you CAN have babies in the Sims Bustin' Out. To have babis just get someone to love you. Then an option will come up (kiss). Keep using that until they ask you if you want a baby. Pick yes and the baby will appear. The gender is random. After a while, the baby turns into a kid! Advice: If you have a baby don't go to work, because you might leave the baby crying (if the baby cries for too long social services will take it away).
About 3days depending if u adopted it or wohooed it
Not very long about 2 days if you play it a lot
I don't think there exactly is one because of the rapid way people grow up. When it comes to Sims, I think there is just seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks. A normal hour in "Sims world" is only a minute in real world time.
It's instant.. I think if you kiss on free play you get a baby.. but if you have children already you wont get one.. I'm not to sure on story play, I'm finding that out at the moment..
They are babies for three Sims days.