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I'd guess the same as an other animal; about 2 to 4 game days (each day about 20 minutes)

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Q: How long does it take for a baby horse on minecraft mo creature to grow up?
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Related questions

What grows into a horse?

A baby horse is a foal. Foals grow to become adult horses.

Would a baby horse get tall if a little kid rides it for 5sec?

No idiot, it takes time for a baby horse to grow and it doesn't magically grow if a kid rides it for 5 sec.

What will a horse grow to be?

Horse is the term typically used for both the animal and the adult form of that animal. A baby horse is called a foal (Colt for male, Filly for female), foals grow into adult horses.

How do you raise a baby shark in Minecraft mo's creatures mod 1.8.1?

Let it sit in a hole and watch it grow!

How long does it take for a kitten to grow in Minecraft?

Kittens don't grow in minecraft

How long does it take for a baby horse to grow inside its mother?

It takes about 11 months for the baby colt to be fully grown and that is when the baby is born. But they are usually born at night.

Where can pumpkins grow?

on a 3x3 dirt patch in minecraft, and any time of the minecraft year will they grow

In petz horseshoe ranch do you have to pet the baby horse to make it grow up?

yes, in order to make your horses grow up and breed them you have to keep on petting them or play with them, IMPORTANT: when the 3 hearts at the top are full your horse will grow bigger and you will be able to breed them

How long does a Minecraft sheep take to grow up?

a few minecraft days

How does a horse grow?

it like a human,the horse grow with good food and age.

What can you grow in Minecraft?

You can grow: Mushrooms Trees Sugar Cane Wheat

How long does it take for a baby horse to grow up on Bella Sarah?

I would say around 7-9 months or even about a year...