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It takes between 9,180 and 9,434 steps to hatch an Eevee egg. You can halve this time if you have a Pokemon with the Flame Body or Magma Armor ability in your party.

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Q: How long does it take an eevee egg to hatch in Pokemon Diamond?
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How long does it take to hatch an eevee egg in Pokemon leaf green?

it will take 999999999999 steps to hatch a egg

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pay me

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about 7,000 steps

How long does it take eevee eggs to hatch?

9860 steps

How long does it take an egg to hatch in Pokemon diamond?

Around 5,000 steps but each individual Pokemon has different hatching rates

How do you get a second Eevee in LeafGreen?

You can breed for another Eevee at the Day Care Center at Four Island. It does, however, take a long time for Eevee eggs to hatch.

Pokemon Platinum How long does it take for an Eevee egg to hatch?

It takes around 1000 - 1500 steps for a Female Eevee in the daycare with another (one heart on the Pkm App.) compatible male. It takes roughly 9,000+ Steps to hatch the egg. But, get a Magmar or a fire Poke'mon that has "Flame Body" in your party and the amount of steps will -half-. If you have a Magmar in your party, the exact amount of steps will be 5,097 to hatch an egg. If you don't it will take exactly 10,194 steps to hatch the Eevee.

How long does it take for a Vaporeon egg to hatch on soul silver?

The only way to hatch a vaporeon is to hatch an eevee and the evole it with a water stone. there is no such this as a vaporeon egg

How long is it intill a Pokemon egg hatches on Pokemon diamond?

That dependes on what kind of Pokemon is in the egg. A good site to look how long it takes is: Just click a Pokemon or search one up and it will be there in 'steps to hatch'.

How long does it take for the phione egg to hatch?

39098 steps. I know, a long time. Just like Eevee. But you can speed up the process my having a Magmar or any Fire type Pokemon that has the Flame Body ability.

Can you breed Eevee with Ditto?

It does work. You must have a FEMALE Eevee and a UG or MALE ditto. It only works On Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum where you can get the eggs they make (leave at least 1 emty slot in your party) Then, walk for a very long time (i have estimated around 6000 steps, because i restarted when i was testing this) And eventaully it will hatch. Also, this works for ANY Pokemon as long as its FEMALE. (With a UG ditto)HowMayIHelpYou123: actually it doesnt have to be a female to breed with ditto.Ditto transforms into the opposite sex of any Pokemon that arent in the non egg group.

How long does it take a Nidoran egg to hatch in Pokemon Diamond?

It takes a maximum of 5,120 steps for a Nidoran Egg to hatch however it could be less than that due to the fact that eggs are randomly generated.