Its a good team but you definetely leave yourself open to ground type trainers on top of that ice type trainers. You may have to switch electivire and lucario that's my advice. One more thing you need one more Pokemon on your team:)
infernape because it beats torterra with fire and empoleon with fight , also if u have wifi you can just get all of the starters at the Global Termanal
with empoleon ,infernape and torterra
yes except gengar he can faint if a foe has a empoleon
== == Now for the real can trash the e4. Aaron can go down to any selection of fire or rock type moves, which you appear to have in abundance. Bertha will fall easily to a combo of torterra and empoleon. Flint can be Surfed away be empoleon. Vespiquen is super effective against Lucian but it may be a bit slow, so u should teach shadow ball to alakazam or something. For Bronzong, just use Infernape. Cynthia's spiritomb will collapse if u use roar of time. For Garchomp if ur empoleon is good enough it should be able to pull of ice beam before getting trashed by Earthquake. Barring that, use Empoleon to vs. Spiritomb and face Dialga against garchomp. Roar of time will settle the battle. Roserade and Gastrodon are pushover - use Infernape and Torterra. Lucario use infernape's close combat. Milotic just do wahtever u want and kill it. == ==
honchkrow/staraptor (aaron), infernape/rapidash (aaron), leafeon/roserade/torterra (bertha), empoleon/floatzel (flint), honchkrow/spiritomb (lucian), glaceon/abomasnow (cynthia's garchomp)
Torterra, Empoleon, Infernape, Garchomp, Luxray, Snorlax
a gallade will do fine
Choose Infernape , Empoleon , Torterra , Glaceon , Honchcrow and Garchomp
infernape because it beats torterra with fire and empoleon with fight , also if u have wifi you can just get all of the starters at the Global Termanal
Use Pokemon that cover each other's weaknesses Infernape, empoleon, torterra... Garchomp, Metagross, Kyogre... Etc.
It depends on stats.
if high lvl and good moves the they should be fantastic
sort of. first you have infernape and charizard that are both fire types. next you have empoleon and palkia which are both water types. you should get rid of infernape and replace it with a dragon type like garchomp or dragonite. then you should get rid of palkia and replace it with a psychic type like espeon or brongzong. all the rest are pretty strong. this should be the final lineup. charizard staraptor empoleon dragonite/garchomp espeon/brongzong torterra hope this helps!
Migrate it from Pokemon Pearl Version. And remember that your friend must have a Torterra and not an Infernape or Empoleon.
with empoleon ,infernape and torterra
Infernnape, Garchomp, Medicham, Abomasnow, Dialga, Staraptor. if you started with chimchar. Empoleon, Garchomp, Medicham, Abomasnow, Dialga, Staraptor. if you started with piplup. Torterra, Garchomp, Medicham, Abomasnow, Dilga, staraptor. if you started with Turtwig