a PS3 can Play PS3 Games
Personally i would say Heavy rain and the trophy where you complete the game with all players still alive its a short game but its easy to get in to aswell
turn on a ps3 then turn on a controller, any ps3, any controller.
u can play it on ps3 but you can't use the ps3 controller
No it is not a PS3 game and will not play on the PS3
The current release date for Heavy Rain is Tuesday, February 16, 2010.
Release Date: November 15, 2011
no there is no freeplay mode. but you can choose chapters you wish to replay.
Harry Potter series, Heavenly Sword, Haze, & Heavy Rain
In the box itself, the ps3 slim is smaller and has a white box. The ps3 'fat' normally has a black box and is a lot more heavy, as well as bigger. Out of the box, the ps3 slim has hard buttons that actually move when you press them. The 'fat' ps3 is just a touch sensor for the eject and power buttons. The ps3 slim has a dull look, and the ps3 'fat' has a glossy look.
try beating all the heavy weights with the old george foreman
No. Heavy Rain will not be on the xbox 360 unless quantic dream gets greedy and gives it to Microsoft NO its not on xbox 360, only ps3, hahahaha, xbox is gay
Yes you can use a Dual Shock 3 or Move Controller with the Move compatible game
a ps3 because its better.
PS3 slim
a PS3 can Play PS3 Games
I dont know if you could DOWNLOAD US ps3 games to a japanese ps3, but you CAN play US ps3 disk games on a japanese ps3.