You have comands in minecraft to cheat and they are legal.
Don't, It's against the Terms & Conditions.
You can't unless you get a mod, you hack or you get a texture pack
Well that is quite illegal, first you have to hack the admin's computer, then hack into C; drive. then find the minecraft server file which says admin, then write your name and get out of there. Or just ask the admin to admin you
You need to have the hack where you have singleplayer commands. Then you do /time day :)
You have comands in minecraft to cheat and they are legal.
You can get a mod so no you don't have to hack
Yes, but they are trustworthy.
you hack minecraft into blockland
No one makes their Minecraft password publicly available or someone could easily hack their account.
Well, its not available and its basicly not possible, unless you find a way to hack minecraft and your 3ds.
Don't, It's against the Terms & Conditions.
Hack into the owners computer and turn yourself into a op. I do not recommend this method, its illegal :P
To know this, you would have to hack. Hacking is illigial.
No one makes their Minecraft password publicly available or someone could easily hack their account.
No. No one will hack an minecraft server because someone wants to take revenge.
with the "creative" button.