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walk in to the city where his gym is and then you will have to go to the ice box andthen battle his gym

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Q: How find clay on Pokemon white?
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Where is clay in Pokemon Black and White?

Driftveil City

Does Pokemon White you find Zekrom and black you find the white Pokemon?

Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.

How old is clay in Pokemon Black and White?

My guess is about 40.

Who is the new Brock in Pokemon Black and White?

its clay as a gym

Where do you find hm fly in pokemon white?

As you head out of Driftveil city after you defeat Clay, you will run into Bianca. Battle her and she will give you Fly

Where can you find vullaby in Pokemon White?

You cannot find Vullaby in Pokemon White Version. It is exclusive to Pokemon Black as Rufflet is to Pokemon White.

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You cannot find a scyther in Pokemon white

What do you do after you beat Clay the gym leader on Pokemon white?

you go to the cave that has the yellow wed in front of it and clay will destroy it for you to pass

What are the levels of clay's Pokémon in Pokémon white?

On Pokemon Black and White, Clay has Krokorok level 29, Palpitoad level 29 and Excadrill level 31.

What cave does Clay go to in Pokemon white when you beat him?

Outside the Chargestone Cave.

Where do you find ghetis in Pokemon Black and White?

At the white forest. You can only find him in pokemon white.(I think);)

Where do you find Pokemon electrowire in Pokemon White?

Its no pokemon that names Electrowire on Pokemon White..