

Best Answer

Around 60 to 64 blocks under,

bedrock is a sign to not dig any deeper otherwise you will enter the void and entering the void kills you.

People believe that the void is the nether because if you dig up in the nether, you will see bedrock like in the real world when you dig down.

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Q: How far would you have to dig to reach bedrock?
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What do you use to break dig through bedrock on minecraft?

Well, bedrock is unbreakable in Minecraft, unless you use mods or creative. Bedrock has a blast resistance of 18,000,000. And no TNT can break that. So far, there is no way to break bedrock in UNmodded survival

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All kinds, but by far the most common is granite. Granite is North Carolina's bedrock. If you were to dig down about six to eight feet you would find granite.

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well it really depends where you dig more in the richer darker spots it take shorter but outside of your house its going to take about 1099467ft. to reach coal. hope i answered your question

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The dig shot is used when you do not have another option and you are to far out of reach to shuffle and get to it on time. So you basically dive for it and *dig* it back up before it hits the ground.

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Bedrock has far greater structural strength than soil.

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It will infiltrate until it hits bedrock.

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It depends on the person as far as you need to dig to plant your flowers. It depends on how deep the hole is and how far you want to plant the product as well.

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you would have to go down 50 km

How far would you have to dig if you went through one side and came out the other side of the Earth?

It would take you apprxamently 12,740 km to get through.

How far can you dig in the ground?

Until you hit a pipe!