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It is around 60 to 64 blocks down as it isn't flat. Some bedrock pieces will be around 60 and some will go down to about 64.

People say it is supposed to be the nether under bedrock because as if you climb up in the nether you will find bedrock just like the floor in the overworld (Real minecraft world)

I have seen what is under bedrock and it is just plain nothingness. You will see stars and if you fall out you will die and the game will crash maybe. I hear you ask how did you find this out? Well I used creative mode and broke through. I used to break it with Single player commands mod with the super pick-axe command.

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Q: How far down is bedrock on Minecraft?
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How far down is bedrock on minecraft xbox 360?

that depeds on how high up you are on the maps y coordinate

What do you use to break dig through bedrock on minecraft?

Well, bedrock is unbreakable in Minecraft, unless you use mods or creative. Bedrock has a blast resistance of 18,000,000. And no TNT can break that. So far, there is no way to break bedrock in UNmodded survival

Can you dig 1000 blocks down in minecraft?

It is not possible. You will reach Bedrock.

Can you break bedrock in Minecraft?

you cannot break bedrock in minecraft it is not possible

Does bedrock block lava Minecraft?

Yes, bedrock will block lava.

How do you get Bedrock in survival mode In minecraft?

Bedrock should be about 64 blocks down from sea level. Bedrock is indestructable and there are no real benefits in finding it, it is simply the bottom of the map. Digging straight down is dangerous because there is a risk of falling in underground lava pits.

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From the lowest point of bedrock to the 13th block

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You hold down "shift" while clicking on the items.

What does the edge look like in Nether on Minecraft?

If you mean the Bedrock, there is no floor, only Lava then nothing and you'll die even if you hacked your armor. As for the ceiling however, you will eventually hit Bedrock as if you're far beneath the surface.

How does one destroy a bedrock in Minecraft?

In order to destroy bedrock in Minecraft, either the super pick-axe command or TNT can be used. These are the only two options without cheats.

How far down do you have to find lava in minecraft?

Lava can be found anywhere beneath sea level. Lava has been know to spawn on the surface in pools, though this is rare. However, lava seems to be much more common as you get closer to bedrock.