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Depends on what they're made of, and what they're used for. If they're wooden, it's not going to last very long. Diamond, will take a brute force to get rid of. But if you use it to take out spider webs, then it's durability will go down pretty fast.

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Q: How durable are swords on minecraft?
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Where can you get Minecraft swords?


Can you create in Minecraft?

yes you can create things like swords

How do you make a spear in Minecraft?

The only weapons in vanilla minecraft are swords and bows (and arrows), there are no spears.

Can i have a list of all the stuff you can enchant in minecraft?

You can enchant bows, swords, picks, axes, swords, and all pieces armour.

Is it a good idea to use Nerf swords for LARPing?

Well, NERF swords aren't the most durable choice you could choose. But if you are playing no-contact LARPing, then NERF swords would be the best, cheapest option.

How do you craft weapons in Minecraft?

You can only craft swords by placing a stick at the bottom and materials ontop

What does smite do on Minecraft?

Smite is an enchantment you can put on swords. With it, you can do extra damage to zombies, zombie pigmen, and skeletons.

What does the smite enchantment for swords do in minecraft?

Smite increases damage against zombies, skeletons and zombie pigmen.

Are there Iron weapons on Minecraft?

yes there are iron swords. you make them the same way just with ingots instead of planks.

How do you place blocks in Minecraft?

You right click whatever you want to place. You can place swords, buckets, arrows, etc.

How good are iron swords in Minecraft?

They're the second best for durability (the best is diamond) but there only the third for attack strength.

What are battle ready swords?

"Battle ready" is a term to specifically mean swords that are sharp enough to actually kill, it also means durable enough to realistically withstand battle use. This should be compared with "display only" swords which are fragile and often quite dull edged as well. Another comparison would be "re-enactment" or "martial arts" swords which are very durable like their battle ready equivalents, but are intentionally blunt so as to make them suitable for combat training and practical demonstration purposes. The most common usage of such terms would be for marketing in order to differentiate between swords purely intended for decoration all the way up to swords which are a modern version of the real thing.