Yes it will break eventually.
It does wear out but takes the longest of all the other kinds to finally break.
1562 hits.
If you dont have a diamond/gold pickaxe you may still get diamond/gold by using iron pickaxe
You cannot break bedrock on survival, even with a diamond pickaxe but you can if you have a mod that allows you or if you go on creative
You need a Diamond Pick to harvest obsidian blocks.
From new, a diamond pickaxe will break after 1562 uses, making it 6.2 times as durable as an iron pickaxe. Note that breaking a block that a pickaxe is not optimal for breaking counts as two uses. Source: Minecraft Wiki
They're the second best for durability (the best is diamond) but there only the third for attack strength.
1562 hits.
If you dont have a diamond/gold pickaxe you may still get diamond/gold by using iron pickaxe
You cannot break bedrock on survival, even with a diamond pickaxe but you can if you have a mod that allows you or if you go on creative
You need a Diamond Pick to harvest obsidian blocks.
If so, these swords are very small.
Yes, but they can have more than one line of symmetry.* * All swords in Minecraft have the same pixel pattern. The diamond sword is a 3D object, so it can have many different lines of symmetry. The front face and the back face are the same, making one line of symmetry. Splitting the sword from the top of the bade to the bottom of the hilt, creates a different line of symmetry.
From new, a diamond pickaxe will break after 1562 uses, making it 6.2 times as durable as an iron pickaxe. Note that breaking a block that a pickaxe is not optimal for breaking counts as two uses. Source: Minecraft Wiki
The current weapons without mods are swords (Wood, stone, iron, gold, and diamond) and the bow. Also, axes can be used as weapons too, but are not recommended.
Yes, it can destroy the block, but the diamond block will disappear and you will not get any diamonds. You need and Iron Pickaxe or better (Gold and Diamond) to mine Diamond, and receive the diamonds.
Diamond Swords - 2009 V is rated/received certificates of: UK:E