Those are nothing, but they look suspiciously like Mesperit, Uxie, and Azelf.
well he look like a human but he has white eyes
i will trade an uxie for your darkrai
After the events of spear pillar check out all of the lakes and battle uxie and azelf, Mesprit will run away Sargent Pickles response: I caught uxie but defeated azelf by accident and i tried like 20 pokeballs on uxie until i had to use my master ball it just would give in lol but u can catch it :)
Uxie uses psycic to see when his eyes are close
they have eyes that look like a crocodile's eyes
They had eyes just like you and me, these eyes allowed them to look.
Those are nothing, but they look suspiciously like Mesperit, Uxie, and Azelf.
like normal cats eyes
The eyes of a person with autism look the same as the eyes of other people.
Why golden and orange vampire bats eyes look like?
tHeY lOoKeD lIkE eVeRyOnEs EyEs AnD aRe GrEeN iN cOlOuR.
Girls like it when you look them in the eyes
they look like Santa Claus but with Chinese eyes
It has foreign eyes.