Hit the nun chuck's analog stick in the direction that you want sonic to move
No, Shadow is not in Sonic Unleashed.
I don"t no
rt or lt Not very fast
Yes, there are Sonic games after Sonic Unleashed. At the time of writing, the latest will be Sonic Generations.
yes there is a werehog
where-hog sonic is a furry monster and it only appears in the movie sonic unleashed . look it up to see more photos.
Turning Super Somehow released sonic from his were Hog Curse
No, Shadow is not in Sonic Unleashed.
I don"t no
shadow isn't in sonic unleashed... unless you mean sonic's 'were-hog' form if that's what you mean, you see him when you are in most of the gaia gates or in the nighttime stages yes he is at the end of the game
No but im positive sega will not implement the werehog ever again game critcs have highly criticized it.
To do the were run roll the nun chuck up twice.
Youl hold B and Z
rt or lt Not very fast
Possibly because he's a big fluffy monster appearing at nighttime and people are scared, or in Sonic Unleashed people may not like Sonic as a were-hog as he does not have his trademark speed and has long stretchy arms for combat which can be seen as ruining the Sonic image. Personally I like Sonic the were-hog for all his fluffiness X3
Because when sonic falls down on the ground he says were the H-E-C-K am i.And when sonic beats his enemys there are tons of vilonce.And when sonic the turns in to sonic the were-hog when he fights he does a hole chunk of vilonte moves