You need it to teach Rollout and it'll evolve. If remembered and not evolved, level it up once. If forgotten go to where you can remember all your moves that Lickitung had forgotten and then level it up.
At level 33 Lickitung learns Rollout. That move is required for it to evolve into Lickilicky, eventually at level up, it should evolve into Lickilicky.
In SoulSilver, Lickitung will evolve into Lickilicky once it levels up while it knows the Rollout move. In SoulSilver, Lickitung learns Rollout at Level 33.
Lickitung evolves into Lickilicky when it learns Rollout at level 33.
You can't on leafgreen.
To evolve Lickitung, you'll have to teach it Rollout, and level it up. It will then evolve into Lickilicky.
you have to evolve lickitung to get lickylicky
I don't know... Try getting a lickitung yourself and evolve it at level 33. Voila, you have a lickylicky. and speaking of Lickitung, how do you get one other than in Lake Valor?
It does not evolve. If you are asking about lickitung then it evolves when it levels up while knowing the move "rollout".
Level up Lickitung to level 33 and teach it Roll Out, then evolve it.And speaking of Lickitung, what is the answer to this question?How_do_you_get_Lickitung_besides_the_swarm_in_Lake_Valor
Lickylicky's aren't found in the wild. You have to catch a lickitung and evolve it
either get a lickitung through a trade or catch one, then level up the lickitung while it knows rollout. then it will evolve =D
go to route 215. you can find lickitung. evolve it at lvl 33 then teach it rollout. you get a lickylicky OR (THIS IS THE BETTER THING TO DO) JUST GO TO THE PASTORIA GATE, GO WEST AND GO IN THE GRASS, CATCH A LICKITUNG AND EVOLVE IT.
You cannot unless you previously get a Lickitung. You can evolve Lickitung by teaching it Rollout at lvl 33, and leveling it up again at level 34.
You can only get Lickylicky if you have Diamond or Pearl. If you do, then wait until Lickitung swarms at one of the three lakes. (You have to have beaten the elite four and have the national dex to have it swarm in the first place.) At level 33 lickitung will learn rollout. Teach it to Lickitung and then level it up and it will evolve.
catch a lickitung at RT.215 then level it up to lv.30 or lv.33 and it will want to learn *roll out* let it lean that move and it will evolve
Yes, Lickitung does evolve but it will not evolve in Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen and Emerald. It will only evolve in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X and Y as well as any other future games.
if you have a likitung... teach it rollout and it should evolve into a likiliki