It has no mouth, so I assume he shoves it through his eyes...
But it does eat, and it eats Pokèmon Food.
Sorry, no your Hitmonlee isn't going to evolve.
i would say hitmonlee
Hitmonlee cannot evolve any further, nor does it have a Mega Evolution form.
No, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are different Pokemons. They both evolve from hitmontop. Good Luck ^^
breed hitmonlee or hitmonchan in four islandBreed hitmonchan or hitmonlee with a ditto in the daycare.
no hitmonlee does not evolve
Sorry, no your Hitmonlee isn't going to evolve.
i would say hitmonlee
Hitmonlee because it has better attacks and its good with offence and defence so Hitmonlee
He doesn't evolve,you have to evolve tyrogue
Hitmonlee doesn't evolve...
Hitmonlee is #106 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting type Pokemon.
Hitmonlee cannot evolve any further, nor does it have a Mega Evolution form.
No, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are different Pokemons. They both evolve from hitmontop. Good Luck ^^