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Probably very positivley because your brain is taking in the visual data and has to work with your hands in order yo press the correct buttons, like all consoles it improves your eaction time after a while. But it will definatley improve your co-ordination.

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Q: How does Guitar Hero affect your hand and eye coordination?
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How does noise affect hand eye coordination?

Noise does affect hand eye coordination because it makes the subject not be able to concentrate and do their best, when for hand-eye coordination it is vital to not be distracted. It is mult-tasking;therefore, the subject can't have a lot of noise. For example, the more noise, the worse the hand-eye coordination. As a conclusion, noise does affect hand-eye coordination. -Emma Caillouet

How does playing video games affect hand eye coordination?

you don't look at the controller you are looking at the screen that is using hand eye coordination

How does color effects your hand eye coordination?

Color effects your Hand Eye Coordination by getting to distracted to do your daily tasks.

Which is the best Guitar Hero game for Wii?

well its really up to you what game you personally prefer but ill tell you what i think of each game: Guitar hero - Pretty cool a little too easy in my opinion but it has a couple of cool songs Guitar hero 2 - basically the same as the first one Guitar hero 80's - Quite good a few hardish ones some great solos Guitar hero Areosmith - there songs are great and they have a few trick ones Guitar hero 3 - Hasn't got many songs but its got a really good bonus song 'Through the fire and flame' now that's a hard one Guitar hero 4 (world Tour) - this one is probably for beginners because in my opinion all the songs are really easy Guitar hero Metallica - A Lode of Songs to Chose from and a lode of really cools solos (good if you like a challenge) Guitar hero Greatest Hits - its just a lode of hand picked songs from previous guitar hero game but a little modified and that's it... so far... Unless you have a preference for the available instruments in the different games (The newest having use of complex keyboards and guitars); I would say the best one is Guitar Hero 5 as it has some functionality to play custom songs. That means you can play virtually any song you like, provided that you find support for it or you figure out how to make it yourself.

Does Guitar Hero build muscle?

After a while it helps your finger and hand muscles. It can also build forearm muscle after extensive playing on higher levels and harder songs.

Related questions

How does noise affect hand eye coordination?

Noise does affect hand eye coordination because it makes the subject not be able to concentrate and do their best, when for hand-eye coordination it is vital to not be distracted. It is mult-tasking;therefore, the subject can't have a lot of noise. For example, the more noise, the worse the hand-eye coordination. As a conclusion, noise does affect hand-eye coordination. -Emma Caillouet

Does noise affect eye-hand coordination?


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Hand-eye coordination

Does hand eye coordination affect your age?

umm your a FAIGIGET

How does playing video games affect hand eye coordination?

you don't look at the controller you are looking at the screen that is using hand eye coordination

Will the Guitar Hero 3 guitar work on Guitar Hero 4?

Yes, the original guitar works for all of the new releases (so far) including rock band. But, the world tour edition is much sleeker, with the joystick closer to where your hand should be, and a star power button.

How do changes in the external environment affect hand-eye coordination?

Changes in the external environment such as change in light or distance affect hand-eye coordination by distance and location perception. The change in pitch field orientation also affects coordination in the same manner.

After playing guitar hero for a long period of time can you get tendinits or other injuries to your hands?

yeah, i think i actually just got it in my hand. it hurts to type n play guitar hero.

How do you use the whammy bar on guitar hero DS?

you simply shake your hand on the touch screen (what you do to strum)

Can Guitar Hero for the PS2 teach you some stuff about playing real guitar?

No. But it can help you understand rhythm and the ...concept... of hitting a string while changing fret-hand position. ---- It can also teach you how to hold the guitar, which is very important to playing. Other than that, Guitar Hero doesn't teach you much about learning guitar.

What does hand eye coordination mean?

Eye- hand coordination is the same thing as hand- eye coordination. In simple terms, eye- hand coordination involves the coordinated vision and hand movements to execute a task.

How does cooking benefit hand eye coordination?

cooking eye-hand coordination