Combee can't evolve in Pokémon Emerald because it doesn't exist in the game.
if you have a female combee it evolves at level 21but unfortunatley male combee dont evolve and they are loads more common! sorry
A Combee will evolve at level 21 to a Vespiquen
combee evolvs at levle10 it cn only be a girl if not it wont evolve and only learns junk movesFemale Combee evolve into Vespiquen starting at level 21. Male Combee do not evolve.
aipom does not evolve inpokemon emerald
A combee is a flying type that is very weak. But if it is a female, it can evolve into a strong Pokemon called a Vespiquen.It is weak against fire.
I doubt it as combee appeared first in Diamond and Pearl
if you have a female combee it evolves at level 21but unfortunatley male combee dont evolve and they are loads more common! sorry
evolve a girl combee at lv20
Well first you need to catch a Combee from honey tree's and then evolve it at level 21, remember that the Combee has to be a female otherwise it won't evolve to Vespaqueen.
Combee, which has to be female in order to evolve.
its around lv. 34 but it has to be a girl
21 hope that helps :)
level 21
No, with the exception of Combee, Burmy and Snorunt, who can only evolve into a certain form as females.
It evolves at level 21 if it is female.
Evolve a female combee at level 21
A Combee will evolve at level 21 to a Vespiquen