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He summarizes a "colossal military disaster." -

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

He begins by summarizing battle losses - APEX

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βˆ™ 3y ago
This is correct

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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 4y ago

He recounts the events that led to the loss of the battle of France

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Jeancarlos Iglesias

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βˆ™ 3y ago

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Jimmy Edge

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βˆ™ 4y ago

Wiki user is right for apexx A colossal military disaster

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Johanna Joestar

Lvl 5
βˆ™ 3y ago


He begins by summarizing recent battle losses.

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How does churchill begin his finest hour speech?

A. He recounts the events that led to the loss of the Battle of France.

Who gave the finest hour speech?

Winston Churchill

How does Churchhill begin his their finest hour speech?

he recounts the events that led to the loss of the battle of france

What is a famous speech by a politician?

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Overall how does the tone of Joseph Stalin’s radio broadcast on July 3, 1941 differ from the tone of Winston Churchill’s Their Finest Hour Speech?

Stalin's tone is defensive and aggressive; Churchill's tone is grave and reasonable.

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Prime Minister Winston Churchill rallies Britain during the lowest and most uncertain moments of the Second World War

Who said this is your finest hour?

the answer to this if your looking for who said " this is our finest hour" for a world war 2 question is the man "churchill" but i think man people have said this so mabey if it for something else then u not lloking for him but "churchill" said "this is englands finest hour" there you go it what "churchill" <-----yes i know its a lot to write for a simple question hehehe....i knew something u dident haha

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Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill is a persuasive and powerful speech that effectively rallied the British people during a time of crisis. Through his eloquent and inspirational rhetoric, Churchill instilled hope and determination in the face of adversity, uniting the nation against the threat of Nazi aggression.

Which aspect of Churchill's Their Finest Hour speech was most important in helping him to achieve his purpose of inspiring British citizens?

His Position That Civilization Society Depends On England's Ability To Resist Germany.

What time is Churchill most clearly using?

I cannot answer this question.

Who was the Prime Minister who stated this was their finest hour to inspire the British people during World War 2?

Winston Churchill