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You must have The Sims 2 Seasons installed along with your original The Sims 2 game in order for this to work.

Your Sims will become plant people if you own a garden and they get the "green thumb" meaning they spend a LOT of time gardening and are very good at it. Then you have to buy a potion from the gardening club to turn back into a normal Sim.

You have to have a garden and use a lot of bug spray on it. Just keep using the pesticides on your garden or fruit trees and eventually your sim will become a plant sim

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Q: How do your Sims become plant people in The Sims 2?
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Well you can be a vampire, a werewolf, a plant, a witch/warlock and an alien, but you need the various expansion packs in order to become them.

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How do you make a plant sim on sims 2 PC?

You must have The Sims 2 Seasons. In the neihboorhood, hit CTRL+SHIFT+C , type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true ,or boolprop testingcheatsenabled on , they both do the same thing. Go to the house of your victem, shift+click on any tree and chosse INFECT, have your sims spray for hours and evenchly, they'll become plant sims.

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No only in sims 2

How do you become a plant sim in The Sims 2?

There are two ways to become a Plant sim on the Sims 2:1.Buy a bunch of trees then spray them. It is Entirely random if you become a plant sim or not whenever you spray a tree.2.Through cheats. Not absolutely sure how. Maybe it works with boolprop testingcheatsenabled true...

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