It depends on what you are playing on. If you are playing on the computer/laptop, then you press control, shift, c and then type in motherlode for 50,000 (or was it 5,000?) simleons and etc. If you are playing on something else, sorry but I can't help you there. Maybe there is no cheat on a game like Sims2 on a phone. Hope this helps. :)
Press control-shift-c
You can "find the cheat codes" for The Sims 3: University Life at My Because It's Not Google (BING) Resources
I'll give you two biggest cheat codes! testingcheatsenabled true The cheat code above is to get a sims heath up Motherlode This cheat above is to gives your sims more cash Please use these codes!
Well, you could google it: sims 3 registration codes or something in that nature. That's what I do for Nintendogs game codes.
rosebud ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , (on and on)
There are none
cheat codes
cheat codes
its sims 2 who likes it it has bad graphics and its boring sims 3 is better but when well sims 4 come
No there are not, but that would be cool. There is codes for it on PC
There is actually multiple codes. There is one for each discs of the Sims
yes.....go to google type in cheat codes for sims 3 and you will get how to do it.
All the sims stuff have access codes to them you should have had it inside the case. I did when i bought sims bustin out.
type cash for $10,000