

Best Answer

you must just go around in grassy areas and then use the poke radar to look for lost iteams on the ground now go look for the items NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: How do you work the poke radar on Pokemon diamond?
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How does the poke radar work?

It only works when you are not on you're bike & you are in the grass but the poke radar has to recharge after you use it.So when you are on you're bike & you are in the grass use you're poke radar to see patches of grass where Pokemon are.

How do you get a pokeradar in Pokemon black?

Action replay but it won't work.(the Poke Radar)

How do you get the poke radar to work on Pokemon pearl?

go to the key items pocket select poke radar, then select use then the grass will shake, walk to pach that shuffles, if the pach sparkles, it's a shiny pokemon.

Can the poke radar be used in the great marsh?

I'm not really to sure but the poke radar is really just used to find out of region Pokemon, not really to much to help you cheat... plus the poke radar doesn't work in swamp grass, so I'm going to go ahead and say NO! :D

How do you catch new Pokemon with poke radar?

Go to your bag and use the poke-radar any time you are in tall grass. Several patches should shake. Go to one and a Pokemon will show up. Usually the Pokemon you find are the ones that are normally found there, but sometimes new Pokemon show up. Most routes have one Pokemon that can't be obtained without it, but it doesn't work in caves or on water.

How do you make one of your Pokemon shiny on action reply?

well i would say i saw this video it said that you need the the poke radar you need to put on a max repel then use the poke radar in the grass but i think he lied only try it twice if it dosent work start A RIOT

What poke balls work more to get beldum in Pokemon diamond?

if you have masterball use it but if you dont have try to catch it at night and use dusk ball

How do you get a Bagon in Pokemon Diamond Platinum or Pearl?

You have to migrate it at the palpark to unlock the palpark you mast have seen all Pokemon in sinnoh. no the answer above is wrong well here is the RIGHT answer.....ok fly to celestic town the go to the roght on route 210 go in the grass and use the poke radar it takes a few trys but it will work kk

How do you use the poke radar in platinum?

It doesn't work because it says it charges up every time when you run or walk so do that

What happens when th azureflute doesn't work in diamond?

you get the poke balls from your mom and then she punches you for being a nerd and playing Pokemon all day and don't have a life

Pokemon diamond how to get poke radar?

first beat the Pokemon league and complete the sinnoh pokedex.then talk to prof. rowan and youll get the natinal pokedex from oak and the pokeradar from rowan. Then go and use it in diffrent routes and catch rare Pokemon. (ex: catch flaaffy on route 222)if your playing platinum, do the same and youll be able to get the three legendarie bird Pokemon: Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres when you go into his house in eterna city.Beware the three legendarie bird Pokemon are all at lv.60, and are very very hard to catch.Have fun catching Pokemon with the pokeradar!

Does the poke walker work for pearl?

No. The poke walker only works in Pokemon heart gold and soul silver.