Simply line up 3 on the same icon either in a straight line or diagonal line.
you know how you see a dude that looks like PROF.OAKS aid at the slots.Well if you go on the slot machine beside him you can win alot of times! by skyper
2 win the slots you have to get 3 of the same pictures in a row. (they have to be horizontal)
The slots in Celadon City are random. In order to win, one must play the slots over and over again until they get lucky.
First go to game corner and start the game and play
No. They were made after Pokemon Yellow.
you know how you see a dude that looks like PROF.OAKS aid at the slots.Well if you go on the slot machine beside him you can win alot of times! by skyper
try not sucking at Pokemon
2 win the slots you have to get 3 of the same pictures in a row. (they have to be horizontal)
You beat the Elite Four on Indigo Plateau.
The slots in Celadon City are random. In order to win, one must play the slots over and over again until they get lucky.
Good luck and good timing.
Missingno. is a glitch Pokémon in the games Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow. The name Missingno. menas Missing Number (Missing No.). In Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow there is 256 Pokémon slots, but only 151 is used. So, if there is 256 Pokémon slots and only 151 is used, what's in the other 105 slots? Glitches. And so, Missingno. was created.
hey, to win the Pokemon league, u've gotta build a balanced team with a mix of types that can handle your other Pokemon's weaknesses. This is what I used: Dragonite, Gengar, Venusaur, Kingler, Raichu, Rhydon/Nidoking
First go to game corner and start the game and play
You can either save up alot of money and buy the coins, or you can spend countless hours playing the slots to try to make that many coins.
DDR3 SDRAM. This type of memory is the only one capable of triple-channeling, hence the three yellow slots. :)