Depending on what the theme is, you have to make it look like the theme. For example, if the theme is Halloween igloos, make it covered in Halloween stuff! Good Luck in winning a contest!
You can't 'win' Club Penguin. Club Penguin isn't a 'winning' game. Club Penguin is basically a safe chat room with tooonnnnssss of kids on.
You can not get free coins on club penguin its absolutely in-possible .Trust me if you could get free coins you would see me rich and famous on club penguin.But you can get off your lazy butt and go do some of the games,and win coins and decorate your house ( igloo ),and live a happy life.So my penguin name is Karateman206 and you can try to look for me on club penguin so bye bye now.
How Do You Get A Pink Boa In Club penguin 2010 catalog????
You can buy club penguin membership codes from the shop but unless you win one in a competition there is no such thing as a free club penguin membership code.
You have to be a black belt. Play him about 10 times and then you will win.
decorate Ur iggy with Xmas stuff DA! and buy the snow globe iggy
No there are not. Unless you win a contest of some sort.
You can't 'win' Club Penguin. Club Penguin isn't a 'winning' game. Club Penguin is basically a safe chat room with tooonnnnssss of kids on.
It is a place where you can win a free 12 month Club Penguin membership by playing games and wining points which if you end up with the most points for that contest. You win the membership. And there are multiple contest so multiple chances to win! Have fun!
You can not get free coins on club penguin its absolutely in-possible .Trust me if you could get free coins you would see me rich and famous on club penguin.But you can get off your lazy butt and go do some of the games,and win coins and decorate your house ( igloo ),and live a happy life.So my penguin name is Karateman206 and you can try to look for me on club penguin so bye bye now.
There is only 11 missions on club penguin
You can't.
How Do You Get A Pink Boa In Club penguin 2010 catalog????
If you are not a member on Club Penguin, You can still get the free items and you can win items sometimes too!