When you signed up, AE sent an email to the email address you provided. Click the link in this email to verify you account.
Okay I'm assuming you mean 'verify'. In that case: Go to Minecraft.net Login to your account/create a new one. Now, it'll probably say something like "Your account is not verified. We have sent an activation link to your email." So, login to the email you used to setup the minecraft account, and check all inboxes. You should see an email sent by 'Mojang AB' Click the link or enter the code given in the email. It will now activate your account! This should work out for you. Enjoy minecraft!
No you cannot change your minecraft email account, but it is possible to change your screen name by loging in to minecraft.net with a different computer...
Unfortunately, there is no current way to delete a minecraft account. Unless, of course, you email the developers.
You need an email account, just make a free email account, there are many providers such as yahoo or gmail.
You verify your e-mail account by going to your e-mail you registered with, and click on the activation link given to you by Minecraft.
you go to your email and verify it by clicking "CONFIRM ACCOUNT" on the email letter.
When you signed up, AE sent an email to the email address you provided. Click the link in this email to verify you account.
You will normally receive an email from Apple at the email address you used for the Apple account. Clicking the Verify Now link in the email will verify the account or you can do it by signing in at the Apple website (See links below).
You verify your MySpace account by logging in to the email address you signed up with, and clicking on the activation link in the email sent to you.
The email used for a migrated Minecraft account will be the same as the email used to sign up for the Minecraft account (unless you have specified otherwise). Go to Mojang's website to try recover your email if you cannot remember.
Okay I'm assuming you mean 'verify'. In that case: Go to Minecraft.net Login to your account/create a new one. Now, it'll probably say something like "Your account is not verified. We have sent an activation link to your email." So, login to the email you used to setup the minecraft account, and check all inboxes. You should see an email sent by 'Mojang AB' Click the link or enter the code given in the email. It will now activate your account! This should work out for you. Enjoy minecraft!
Ask a friend to send you a test email, or email a test email to yourself from a prior account.
No you cannot change your minecraft email account, but it is possible to change your screen name by loging in to minecraft.net with a different computer...
To verify a website account you are normally sent an email, this contains a link on which you click and the verification is then automatic.
Unfortunately, there is no current way to delete a minecraft account. Unless, of course, you email the developers.
goto your email and verify it