When you have a sufficient amount of xp, you can use it to upgrade your force powers. ('select' on PS3)
Yes, you receive XP from the various skills whilst training, and if applicable, points during a minigame.
It depends on the level of the skill you use it on, and it is approximately equal to the square of the skill. For example, for a skill at level 71, I got almost 5000 points. At level 99 you would get about 10,000 experience points, and at level 120 (possible for Dungeoneering), over 14,000 points.
NO but if you use bootcamp you can play it on Vista/ XP, or you can use Crossover games
Use Iron Ingots on an Anvil in Minecrafft 1.4+. (It requires XP)
Yes it can. That or get you a major roll back of XP. Which means the time and XP you had before you started using the clicker. Is where JaGeX would roll your XP back to. Word of advice; don't use any automatic program. Unless you're trying to get muted, banned, or a roll back.
If you got a gift of XP points, you will find it in your gift box. Open it and click on "use" below the XP points. It will automatically add to your experience.
How do you use the XP point on Coin Dozer game
Experience points (in a game) or just experience (as in Windows XP).
Yes, you receive XP from the various skills whilst training, and if applicable, points during a minigame.
100 XP for cooking 100 Life Points for Healing
Experience points
play games
Yes, if you have Windows XP, you can easily use Windows XP Pro
you can't trade xp from other players. the only way to get it is minigames or training.
by doing battles and missions
by earning mulch and xp points
You can't.