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right click it obvs

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Q: How do you use the craft table in mine craft?
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What is the item id of an enchantment table in mine craft?

It is 116.

How do you craft a stick in mine craft?

place 2 wooden placnks going vertically in the crafting table :)

What tool do you use to mine snow on mine craft?

A shovel.

What can you use to mine gold in mine craft?

you can use a iron pickaxe to mine it as this can mine every ore in minecraft

How do you bake bread in mine craft?

With a crafting table, make a horizontal row of wheat.

How do you open the crafting box in mine craft pocket addition?

You use a crafting table just by tapping on it. However, if you are in creative mode, this does not work. I don't know why, but you can't even use a crafting table in creative mode.

How do you enchant stuff on mine craft enchanting table?

You need to level up to enchant items.

How do you make a stick in mine craft?

place 2 wooden placnks going vertically in the crafting table :)

How do you use nether reactor core in mine craft?

you cant

What do you use on mine craft to dig gold?

Iron Or Diamond

How do you craft a fishing rod in mine craft creative mode?

You get a crafting table right click on it then craft it or just spawn it. Craft it like this EES ESG SEG S=Stick G=String E=Empty

How do you make a mine cart in mine craft?

You must fill every square in a crafting table with ingots except for the centre and the one above the centre