The most easiest way to get a Pokemon that can surf is get a Zizagoon,it can learn surf.
Yes....all water Pokemon can learn surf Ah, actually, Hi. NO, NOT ALL WATER POKEMON ARE CAPABLE OF SURF. Just thought I add that. Cuz that's not right. Magikarps cannot learn Surf, but their EvolutionGyarados, can Many other types of Pokemon can also learn Surf, which is really a great surprise attack to use, esp. if you are not a water Pokemon. I think Nidokings Nidoqueens and Lickitungs can to name only a few. For Pikachus who can learn Surf, which there is not too many, it is a great attack to use against ground-type Pokemon, who it is weak against.
There is no such Pokemon. Either you get the HM03 and teach it to one of your Pokemon, or you'll be unable to use Surf.
hearthome lets you use surf anyou get surf from the old lady in cesitown
you need surf to get to the four ilsands
Mt. Silver At the beginning use surf instead of rock climb.
Almost every water Pokemon and sometimes even Pokemon like Snorlax or supposedly Rhydon
you use surf after pallet town and reach cinbar and then use surf an go left an go on the walk way with a few battles an use surf a again and the battle the camper ango in side.
The most easiest way to get a Pokemon that can surf is get a Zizagoon,it can learn surf.
in whirl islands you have to have surf
just go with the flow.
No, Chikorita is a grass type pokemon.
You have to go to your hometown go to the where the water is by your house use surf and go across. that's it.
you have to use surf through passage ways