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umm you just have to get that hm then pretend you where going to talk with the water so cilck A then click yes and you'll start Surfing! happy summer! -RR14

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Q: How do you use surf in Pokemon Silver?
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How do you get to the four islands if your Pokemon cant use the move surf in soul silver?

you need surf to get to the four ilsands

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Mt. Silver At the beginning use surf instead of rock climb.

What Pokemon in Pokemon soul silver version can use surf?

Almost every water Pokemon and sometimes even Pokemon like Snorlax or supposedly Rhydon

What badge do you need for surf in Pokemon silver?


How do you complete seafoam island on soul silver Pokemon?

you use surf after pallet town and reach cinbar and then use surf an go left an go on the walk way with a few battles an use surf a again and the battle the camper ango in side.

On Pokemon sapphire -who can use surf?

The most easiest way to get a Pokemon that can surf is get a Zizagoon,it can learn surf.

Where can you find a horsea in Pokemon Silver?

in whirl islands you have to have surf

Can you surf to Kanto on Pokemon silver and beat the bages and get a starter?


How do you surf to cianwood in Pokemon Silver?

just go with the flow.

Can the Pokemon chikorita learn surf in soul silver?

No, Chikorita is a grass type pokemon.

How do you get in to the second map in Pokemon Silver?

You have to go to your hometown go to the where the water is by your house use surf and go across. that's it.

Where do you find the second to last gym leader in the kanto in Pokemon soul silver?

you have to use surf through passage ways