You run in opengl (eg. srb2win.exe -opengl)
And bring down the conlsole (with ~)
then type in 'gr_md2 1' (no quotes)
Download MD2s of the SRB2MB.
at or type in google srb2 wad downloads
Go to and search for "SRB2 Riders 1.46.3 link".
You can use Cheat Engine and the Modifier/Modified Game code, so you can use god, etc.
to turn it on open system/console and say GR_MD2 ON and to turn off do the same but say off instead of on
you download them from and you can find them wads
you download them from and you can find them wads
at or type in google srb2 wad downloads
u use socedit
PM me on the SRB2 Forums - im srb21103 and go to the download page
PM me on the SRB2 forums and I can send you it, if you're still around. - Warpshade
Search for "" in google.
Go to and search for "SRB2 Riders 1.46.3 link".
it was made 2 show you what its like so u can have fun on the game i have the game and i use MD2 on it
you will need to find a super might find one at the srb2 forums.
srb2 forums NAH, t comes with the latest SRB2 Riders and is called wizard rider and you have to unlock mirror mode and select wizard rider when your playing it.