to turn it on open system/console and say GR_MD2 ON and to turn off do the same but say off instead of on
You run in opengl (eg. srb2win.exe -opengl) And bring down the conlsole (with ~) then type in 'gr_md2 1' (no quotes) Download MD2s of the SRB2MB.
No weapons: Both Shadow and Sonic have equal speeds, but unlike Sonic, Shadow can use Chaos Control without the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic would likely win. Weapons: Sonic and Shadow use the Chaos Emeralds to go super. Tie
Sonic is perfectly capable of using chaos control. However, in sonic adventure 2 (the technique's introduction) it is shown that he is far less skilled than shadow is and thus it takes more energy for him to use it. Because of this it is assumed that while sonic is capable of unleashing the chaos emeralds powers to the fullest extent more than anyone else (super form is stronger) he doesn't have as much skill as Shadow manipulating the emeralds power. Essentially, Sonic can use chaos control but not as well as Shadow can and is thus far incapable of the other chaos abilities (chaos spear, blast).
Nipper is the moshling which is attracted by a Robo Dendron. To attract Nipper with a Robo Dendron, you have to buy the Moshi Monsters: Moshling Zoo game for Nintendo DS. The game comes with a code to get the Robo Dendron seed. Plant the Robo Dendron seed with two other seeds and you will get Nipper. Note: the code is a one-time use, non-sharable code and can only be used once.
First make sure that your character is standing still somewhere in the level and that the camera is not moving. Then press the Esc key and go into 1 player. After that click save and select the file you want to use on the save screen. Enter a name for your file by typing, and then press enter. If you save at the beginning of a level, make sure that the introduction to the level you are in disappears. The reason why I told you to make sure of all of that is because glitches will result if you don't. I know this cuz it happened to me once.
it was made 2 show you what its like so u can have fun on the game i have the game and i use MD2 on it
With the use of some Lua scripting, Paint.NET and a lump editor, yes.
No, only Shadow the Hedgehog knows how to use Chaos Blast.
No, as only Shadow the Hedgehog knows how to use Chaos Blast.
You download Sonic Robo Blast 2 version Then you download Sonic Robo Blast 2 JTE version 1.69.10 You with also need the shadow wad, you can get this from the website. OR you could get the HyperMysteriousShadonic123311 wad, which is harder to find. Now you run srb2jte.exe with -file whichever one you download. EG. Start--> Run then type in "c:\games\srb2\srb2jte.exe -file hms123311.wad" Now you start a game as the player you downloaded. If you got shadow you will have to find all the chaos emeralds first. Don't know what I'm talking about? Contact me on the SRB2 Forums (SRB21103)
you should use chick robo with a good gun like wyrm and good pod like arspo7. u only have to use the robo not the parts also
Sort of. In Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, he does Chaos Control to flee from that exploding capsule and in the race/battle with Shadow, if you play as Shadow and get to far ahead then Sonic says "I'll use your...Chaos Control" and zips in front. But this is the only game that I know of where he can use Chaos Control. -- sonic has the power to use chaos control like shadow. However it is far more draining on his energy than for shadow. However the other chaos abilities such as chaos blast and chaos spear do not appear to be available to sonic.
You run in opengl (eg. srb2win.exe -opengl) And bring down the conlsole (with ~) then type in 'gr_md2 1' (no quotes) Download MD2s of the SRB2MB.
we are going to have a blast..
No weapons: Both Shadow and Sonic have equal speeds, but unlike Sonic, Shadow can use Chaos Control without the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic would likely win. Weapons: Sonic and Shadow use the Chaos Emeralds to go super. Tie
There is no episode where sonic gets sonic wind. There are 2 games you can use sonic wind. The first is sonic adventure 2 (battle) you can use sonic wind as special move in multiplayer. The 2nd is sonic heroes, just play as sonic and press B when you jump to use sonic wind.
no you cannot be super sonic in sonic the hedgehog. he was not made yet.