As you progress in the game, people will give you apps for your poke tech. they can show maps, caught Pokemon, time, drawing pad and more. to switch apps press the button on the touch screen on the right.
u click and hold the Pokemon with ur stylus
use poke radar on route 210
fuego ironwoks (use poke radar)
Floroma town East side use ur Poke Redar
In Pokemon platinum larvitar can be found in the north area of route 210 after obtaining the national pokedex, you have to use the poke radar to find one
just use your poke tech look for something that Haz a line going up and down.
u click and hold the Pokemon with ur stylus
use poke radar on route 210
Mt.cornet use a poke radar (it is rare)
route 210 (use poke radar)
you have to get a bagon on route 210 use poke radar
You use your Poke Radar.
fuego ironwoks (use poke radar)
Use your poke radar on route 205 north.
go to route 209 and use the poke radar
use the poke radar on route 218 (rare)
use poke rader at the patches of grasses near canalave city