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Buy honey from Floarama and then when you see a brown tree, press A and apply the honey to the tree. Wait about 6 - 8 hours and when the tree is shaking it means theres a Pokemon there!

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Q: How do you use honey on trees in Pokemon diamond?
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to find one you have to use the sweet honey trees.

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you have a chance to get them when you use honey on honey trees.

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You can use that for the golden trees to catch Pokemon or use the honey in the grass to make Pokemon appear

How do you use honey in pokemond diamond?

go to the yellow trees that are spread out in the game and click a in front of the tree and it will say would you like to put honey on it and after a long time a Pokemon will appear on it

What Pokemon number 53 is on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and where to find it?

Ok Its Combee Yu Can Find It In Trees If You Slather Honey On Them They're In Heaps Of Grassy Places If You Just Use Honey When In The Grass It Might Come Out PS You Can Get More Honey For 100 At Floaroma In The Back

Is there bait in Pokemon diamond that boosts the effect of Pokemon apperences?

Use the move sweet scent or use honey

Can you use honey on grass in Pokemon diamond?

no you can only use it on a sweet-smelling tree

How do you use honey in pokemon diamond?

It has to be a golden tree and a sweet smelling tree

How can you use hony on trees in Pokemon diamond?

just get some honey from the man in floaroma town. the go stand in front of a tree and press a. the will say " there is a scent in the air " " slater the bark with honey? " press yes and the bark will be slaterd with honey. come back in 12 to 24 hours and there will be a Pokemon

Where do you find a Combee in Pokemon Platinum?

Use honey on those golden trees

Can you catch burmy with sweet scent diamond?

Nope. You still need to use the Honey Trees.

Is it true in Pokemon Diamond that if you put 100 honey jar in any honey tree there is a chance for battling mew?

No, this is not true. The only way to get Mew in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl is to migrate it from another game or use cheats.