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If you would like to use the HM(Hidden Move) Fly to get from place-to-place, you must first get a Pokémon that will be able to learn the move Fly. Only Flying-Types Pokémon can learn this move, and it can also be used in battle.

After you have a compatible Pokémon, you need to get the move Fly.

I'm not too sure where it resides, but you need to boot it up in your TM's/HM's pocket.

Teach it to your Pokémon, then to fly somewhere you go to the start menu(X button) and go to 'Pokémon', and click on the Pokémon you taught the Hidden Move, Fly, to.

Then when the sub-menu pops up, the word 'Fly' will be in blue. Select that and a map will open, accordingly. You may now pick the place you wish to fly to. You have to have been to the town to fly to it.

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Q: How do you use fly on Pokemon diamond?
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How do you use fly outside of battle in Pokemon diamond?

go to the in game menu and go to Pokemon click on the Pokemon with fly and chose fly

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you will stil be in it use fly if you can and fly to a town you will stil be in it use fly if you can and fly to a town

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In Pokemon Diamond how do you teach Pokemon to fly?

unless you completely suck at Pokemon, you should have gotten the HM02 fly. now go to your HM pocket and hit use on HM02. use it on any Pokemon in your inventory it says "able" on. congrats. you can now fly.

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Simply fly to Jubilife go to the top and use the pokeradar

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it is very hard to get azelf and mesprit and uxie. in my Pokemon diamond, azelf and mesprit fled the battle. if you want to find them, use your matching Pokemon app on your watch and DO NOT FLY UNDER ANY CONDITIONS. IF YOU FLY, THE POKEMON WILL ALSO FLY AND YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM. DO NOT LOSE HOPE!!

Is there a Fly Anywhere action replay cheat on Pokemon Diamond?

There is a way to do it without cheating. Just simply trade a Pokemon that knows fly. Example: you have a staravia in Pokemon pearl that knows fly. Just trade it to Pokemon diamond.

What HM do you get after fly on Pokemon diamond?

its suppose to be surf

Can Palkia use fly in Pokemon diamond?

No, Palkia can only learn Cut, Surf, Strength and Rock Smash.

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fly to canclave then next to it there a route go there use the pokedar and ditto should appear

How do you fly anywhere in Pokemon Diamond?

You capture a Pokemon that has wings and find HM fly teach it to the Pokemonthat you caught and then go on to the menu and click Pokemon and thenclick the Pokemon you caught and then it says fly and just click fly.

Fly Route Pokemon Diamond?

You can "FLY" anywhere as long as your outside,you have the HM and you are able to use it,and you cant fly anywhere on the map if u havent been there IV BEEN EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!