Get the HM Defog from the trainer inside the Great Marsh in Pastoria City and teach it to a flying type (such as Staraptor), then go to the menu and have Staraptor use it to clear out the fog.
you go to mt coronet
you have to use defog
use rock climb and get to it
In the game Pokemon Pearl, the HM move Rock Smash is required in order to break the boulders in Mt Coronet. To fully explore the mountain, a players needs Pokemon that know Rock Smash, Strength, Rock Climb, Defog, Surf, and Waterfall.
feebas is on the of the lake inside mt. coronet . you have to defog first. start on the first line starting from top to bottom . You Must have a fishing rod .
you have to go to a place in mt coronet where there is a lake a it is foggy. If you have defog use it. You have to use your old rod to get feebas in the lake. It worked for me after a few tries. Hopes this helps!
you go to mt coronet
you have to use defog
You're way off... To get to Snowpoint City, you have to use the entrance to Mt. Coronet, in Celestic Town (West). Enter here, and head north (Defog is recommended to have with you!)
use rock climb and get to it
there is no mt. coronet in emerald that i know of
In the game Pokemon Pearl, the HM move Rock Smash is required in order to break the boulders in Mt Coronet. To fully explore the mountain, a players needs Pokemon that know Rock Smash, Strength, Rock Climb, Defog, Surf, and Waterfall.
feebas is on the of the lake inside mt. coronet . you have to defog first. start on the first line starting from top to bottom . You Must have a fishing rod .
Go to either Mt. Coronet 3F or Mt. Coronet Summit (First Half) and use the Poke Radar to search for a Loudred.
at the top of mt coronet(arch=spear pillar)
you go to celestic town then go into mt coronet use strength on the boulder and go down stairs use defog then use surf on the water use a good or a super rod as many times as you want until you find a feebas. hope this helps
You can get clefairy in 2 ways: 1. First you need a ditto and a cleffable. Then you put them at the day care. After a while of walking around, there will be an egg. When it hatches it will be a cleffa. You can level it up until it is a clefairy. 2. You can trade clefairy from Fire Red or Leaf Green onto emerald.