I don't think you can. Trust me, I've been looking myself and can't find a thing.
yes you can
I don't know which game cards exactly do you mean but the game cards i know are meant to be used online. Gift game cards or different prepaid cards like paysafecard are used by many people for online gaming. Gift cards are for use in-store only, debit and credit cards are for online.
There is a play offline button that you can use when not online or not connected to the internet.
There are lot of situations in which we can say "work offline". Suppose one of Our Pc/desktop is not "Turn On" it is in Offline stage. If you are going to print some web page and suddenly you got a message "The Printer Device not found" Most probably the printer is not turned on and in this case we can say Printer is Offline. Another case, if your computer is connected to Internet and your ISP has gone down, you can say you are working Offline. Some of the web features will work in those cases, but most of the applications are down when the internet disconnects. Last one is "Working Offline" with Browser, If you accessed some web sites and you do not want to go with those web site online you can use the work offline feature of Browser. Most of the web browsers are enabled this feature. The main disadvantage of this feature is the excess use of Memory, Hard disk on your computer.
Can you use mervyns gift cards at kohls
you cant. your serously missin out as well if you not got cod online.
finding Death Cards unlocks certain "Perks" in online gameplay. Similar to the Halo 3 skulls (If you know what I'm talking about.)
The only way you can use the death cards is to have a private match, so if you planned on having a match with two controls guest style, you can't. You can invite people to the game, but I experienced that they have to be a Gold Membership. Sorry, but they will work. *Also note that you can't play a private match alone!!!
You Throw CoD:WaW Out The Window and Buy CoD:MW then CoD:MW2 When it comes it.
you can't
hi dude ok hers some easy steps to using death cards first 1.go onto xbox live match watever u like 2.go on to game settings if you look there shall be something say death cards enable them 3.the list of them shall pop up it will tell you wat there for click on them to enable them see 3 easy sep happy coding ;]
you can only use them in co-op campaign online. you go into settings and at the bottom is death cards. select which one to use and you're done:D
You can't use if offline whilst on your computer but you can use it on your phone.