You don't use them, you just collect them.
Certain badges grant your Pokémon certain things such as more attack, defense, speed, etc.
Also, if you get more badges, you will be able to use HMs (Hidden Machines such as Cut, Fly, etc.)
No, you can trade with no badges at all.
The badges are just,there for you to be able to use HMS outside of battle and for high levels of Pokemon to listen to you depending on the badge...
who's blue. Whatever here's how you have to get 7 gym badges in kanto then he'll battle you.
in total 16 badges
in order for trader Pokemon to listen to you. you need gym badges if you have al 8 badges they will obey and if you have 3 or four badges is going to e hard to train Pokemon
No, you can trade with no badges at all.
Train your starter Pokemon then use it.
The badges are just,there for you to be able to use HMS outside of battle and for high levels of Pokemon to listen to you depending on the badge...
who's blue. Whatever here's how you have to get 7 gym badges in kanto then he'll battle you.
You collect all eight badges, and then you challenge and beat the Elite Four.
u get it from blue once you get all eight gym badges in kanto
every single one except his
Badges allow you to use secret moves outside of battle, higher pokemon's stats and help them obey you.
You need 3 badges to breed Pokemon.
get 7 kanto badges and talk to blue on cinnabar island
You cannot find Moltres in Pokemon Silver. You can use the Time Capsule and use Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow with Moltres in it and trade it over. In Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver: Moltres in in Mt. Sliver after you have obtained all 16 badges. You need surf, waterfall and rock climb to get to it.
Yes..... All 3 Pokemon games Daimond Pearl Platinum Are the same with badges and all.