By catching pikachu, staraptor, gible, torterra, monferno and floatzel lol! haha!
You cant. Advance Map is only for Gba roms.
Text Edit :Advance Text , Thingy , Hexecute Map Editor :Advance Map Just go to
you can't find omega
There are lots of hacking tools like Advance Map or Advance Text, you should search in Google. Just make sure you don't download Elite Map because it has Trojan Virus in it.
You cant. Advance Map is only for Gba roms.
You can´t change starters in advance map but try downloading advance starter.
You add or change a trade on advance map in Pokemon by accessing the map feature and choosing editing options.
Advance Map: Pokemon ROMS:
advance map
Text Edit :Advance Text , Thingy , Hexecute Map Editor :Advance Map Just go to
What you mean Advance Map for editing POKéMON games? Well once you have opened your games ROM you choose the map you want, then choose the 'Header' tab. After that it is pretty easy to do. Just name the map.
because you CANT
i think you have to find it... look up a guide online and there will be a world map showing all of the hidden poke ballz and whats in them... you can use it just to find a rare candy or to beat the whole game... good luck