Simply register the acro bike on select then when you first enter head north and should see some kind of white bridge you should notice there are many gaps in the bridge do a sideways bike jump to go past the gaps.
You can find Phanpy in the Safari Zone. You will need at least $500, an Acro Bike and a Pokemon that knows Sweet Scent. Fly to Lilycove and from there travel to the Safari Zone. Okay, you'll need the $500 to get into the Safari Zone. Once inside, travel up until you see the bridge that can only be travelled over using an Acro Bike. Ride the Acro Bike over the bridge and continue to go upwards. Finally, once you are at the furthest upwards that you can go, find a patch of grass. Now use Sweet Scent until a Phanpy appears (You can simply walk around but using Sweet Scent prevents you from using up all your steps in the Zone so it's easier). Phanpy should appear after a few tries. It is in safari zone.
get a gameshark and get acro bike
Heracross is in the Safari Zone. Use an Acro Bike to get across the poles (white lines) and go North. The areas there hold Heracross (they are rare and hard to catch so beware).
just use b left/right at the same time ------------------------------------------------------------ press up and B at the same time to go up and down and B to jump down.
acro bike
use acro bike
Use the Acro bike and hit "B" key and the up or down key at the same time
In POKeMON Sapphire, you get Phanpy from the Safari Zone. You have to use your Acro bike to get to the area though.. :LHarrieB
you have to have a acro bike if you don't know how to use one go to the bike store get the bike and read the manual in the back
You can catch pikachu by going to the Safari Zone in Ruby and then go into the grass in the safari zone and you will find a pikachu edventually. First you need a Acro Bike from the Mauville bike shop. Then you need a Pokemon that know's sweet scent (Tropius). Then you go to the Safari Zone and use the Acro Bike to go on the metal pole that you can not walk on or use the Mach Bike on. Then you go to the far right corner and use sweet scent in the grass. You will soon find a Pikachu or Raichu.
You need the acro bike, use the side hop, press b and right or b and up to get across.
you need an acro bike then use bunny hop tap b and direction at the same time
You can find Phanpy in the Safari Zone. You will need at least $500, an Acro Bike and a Pokemon that knows Sweet Scent. Fly to Lilycove and from there travel to the Safari Zone. Okay, you'll need the $500 to get into the Safari Zone. Once inside, travel up until you see the bridge that can only be travelled over using an Acro Bike. Ride the Acro Bike over the bridge and continue to go upwards. Finally, once you are at the furthest upwards that you can go, find a patch of grass. Now use Sweet Scent until a Phanpy appears (You can simply walk around but using Sweet Scent prevents you from using up all your steps in the Zone so it's easier). Phanpy should appear after a few tries. It is in safari zone.
You can find Phanpy in the Safari Zone. You will need at least $500, an Acro Bike and a Pokemon that knows Sweet Scent. Fly to Lilycove and from there travel to the Safari Zone. Okay, you'll need the $500 to get into the Safari Zone. Once inside, travel up until you see the bridge that can only be travelled over using an Acro Bike. Ride the Acro Bike over the bridge and continue to go upwards. Finally, once you are at the furthest upwards that you can go, find a patch of grass. Now use Sweet Scent until a Phanpy appears (You can simply walk around but using Sweet Scent prevents you from using up all your steps in the Zone so it's easier). Phanpy should appear after a few tries. It is in safari zone.
get a gameshark and get acro bike
You can find Phanpy in the Safari Zone. You will need at least $500, an Acro Bike and a Pokemon that knows Sweet Scent. Fly to Lilycove and from there travel to the Safari Zone. Okay, you'll need the $500 to get into the Safari Zone. Once inside, travel up until you see the bridge that can only be travelled over using an Acro Bike. Ride the Acro Bike over the bridge and continue to go upwards. Finally, once you are at the furthest upwards that you can go, find a patch of grass. Now use Sweet Scent until a Phanpy appears (You can simply walk around but using Sweet Scent prevents you from using up all your steps in the Zone so it's easier). Phanpy should appear after a few tries.
if you are talking about that ramps , use the mach bike , gain some speed and you can climb it up , if you are talking about the mini rocks , you use the acro bike and jump them.