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just use b left/right at the same time ------------------------------------------------------------ press up and B at the same time to go up and down and B to jump down.

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Q: How do you cross the white bars in the safari zone with the acro bike in Pokemon Emerald?
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Where is the safari zone in Pokemon Black and White?

there isn't a safari zone in Pokemon black and white

How do you get over the white things in the safari zone in Pokemon sapphire?

Ride the Acro Bike and do bike jumps to cross over the white things.

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you can cross the white bridges in emerald,but you'l have to use acro bike to passandyou have to jump.

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Pokemon from white are WAY better than pokemon from emerald.

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Thunderus is not in Pokemon Emerald.. it is in Pokemon White.. come on guys..

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area 3 of safari zone

Can you transfer Pokemon from Ruby Sapphire Emerald to Pokemon White?

First you have to migrate the Pokemon to diamond(have to beat elite 4) Then you trade the Pokemon to Pokemon white

Where do you catch heracross on Pokemon emerald?

Heracross is in the Safari Zone. Use an Acro Bike to get across the poles (white lines) and go North. The areas there hold Heracross (they are rare and hard to catch so beware).

How do you use the poke block case in Pokemon emerald?

Go to your bag, go to Key Items, and then click it to open it. If you have made pokeblocks in the contest hall, you can feed one to your pokemon. If you are in the safari zone, walk up to a white platform, press A, and you will have the option of putting a pokeblock on to attract wild pokemon.

White rock in Pokemon Emerald?

The white rock in Pokemon Emerald can be found outside the space centre in Mossdeep City. This rock seems to hold much significance to the people living in the area.

How do you get past the white tube things with your bike in the safari zone in Pokemon emerald?

if you want to ride on them just go forward to hope them you need to push the up or down button (depending on direction) and the B button to hop them

How do you get the white rock in Pokemon Emerald?

The white rock is in Mossdeep City in front of the space center.